About Us


Keiko Hsu, CPC, ACC is a change agent, coach and owner of Silver Wing Consulting & Coaching, a management consulting and executive coaching firm that helps organizations develop leadership excellence, drive business process improvements and transform organizational culture to improve teamwork, quality, productivity, customer satisfaction, and to accelerate profitable growth.

Keiko is an experienced corporate executive and ICF-Certified Professional Coach and Mentor who helps clients break through mental blocks and organizational barriers to achieve business success and personal fulfillment. Her extensive career success in industries such as engineering, construction, manufacturing, wholesale distribution, technology, and trucking make her especially suited to coach and mentor executive men and women in technical fields who want to improve their leadership effectiveness.

She combines her left-brained process-orientation, systems focus and analytical skills with her strategic visioning, intuitive coaching, and collaborative cross-functional team leadership capabilities. She has an exceptional knack for creating structure out of chaos, organizing complex situations, asking candid questions, challenging limiting beliefs, and solving problems. Her areas of expertise include:

          • Executive & Business Coaching
          • Developing a Customer-Focused Culture
          • Customer Satisfaction, Net Promoter Score (NPS)
          • Business Process Improvement, Lean, Six Sigma

Keiko uses her extensive business and change management experience along with practical tools such as:

  • Energy Leadership Assessments … for identifying mindset issues that affect leadership effectiveness
  • Cultural Transformation Tools … for measuring/diagnosing/managing organizational culture
  • Values Assessments … for measuring values alignment of leaders, individuals, and their organizations
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) … for measuring/monitoring customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Lean, Six Sigma … for improving business processes

Keiko has a strong track record as a change agent and coach in the corporate world. As a former executive with General Electric Company, she held various sales, marketing, and leadership positions during her 28 year GE career and led numerous strategic initiatives in customer satisfaction, sales, training, e-commerce, and quality in complex, matrixed organizations. Most recently, she was Senior VP of Customer Satisfaction & Process Improvement at a division of GE Capital. Overall, Keiko has over 17 years of experience as a manager/coach within GE. Previous to GE, she was with Burns & Roe Engineering & Construction.

Keiko was the 2012 President of the International Coach Federation’s (ICF) San Francisco Bay Area chapter.

Born in Tokyo, she grew up on U.S. military bases in Okinawa and Hokkaido, Japan. She was the first person in her family to immigrate to the United States. She loves to ski, sail, golf, travel, listen to contemporary jazz, and enjoy her recently adopted city of San Francisco.


Keiko graduated with honors from Duke University with a Civil Engineering degree. She has completed numerous sales, marketing, Six Sigma Black Belt, general management, and leadership courses at GE.

She is a graduate of the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) and is certified by the International Coach Federation (ICF). She is also certified to use the Energy Leadership Index, an assessment tool that measures a person’s capability to lead and inspire others.

She is certified by the Barrett Values Centre to conduct Leadership Values Assessments and utilize other Cultural Transformation Tools.