Success Stories

We use Cultural Transformation Tools, a set of proprietary assessment instruments developed by the Barrett Values Centre and used by thousands of organizations around the world since 1997.

Some notable success stories include:

  • Methodist Hospital Group, a chain of 4 hospitals with 9000 employees in the Houston Area, used the Barrett Values Centre’s Cultural Transformation Tools to measure alignment and create a culture of spirituality and caring. They developed a set of core values that they rolled out to the entire organization, and changed their systems and processes to align with the new values.
    • Results: In 3 years, they reduced employee turnover from 24% to 15%, and reduced vacancy rates from 6.7% to 3.1%.
  • ANZ, Australia’s largest financial institution with 30,000 employees in 29 countries, had lost trust in the marketplace due to bank closures, exorbitant fees, and overall discontent. They set a goal in 2000 to significantly improve sustainable profitability by refocusing on people and values. They used the Barrett Values Centre’s Cultural Transformation Tools in 2001-2004 to measure and overhaul their culture to become a “Bank with a Human Face.”
    • Results: Employee Satisfaction increased from 49% to 85% in 3 years. Share price more than doubled. In 2004, ANZ became an employer of choice for college graduates and was named “Best Bank in Australia.”
  • Mangum Community Hospital , a small rural hospital in Oklahoma, was losing money and on the verge of bankruptcy in 2005 when they were acquired by Blackhawk Healthcare. In 2007, Blackhawk conducted a Cultural Values Assessment across their entire organization to develop a set of shared values as a first step to transforming their culture. They rolled out the new values to their entire work force and led major initiatives to change their systems and processes to align with the new values.
    • Results: Organizational Entropy (dysfunction) dropped from 56% to 14% in 2 years. Employee satisfaction, productivity, and patient satisfaction improved significantly. Annual revenue grew from $4MM to $20MM. Now expanded and renamed Quartz Mountain Medical Center.

These are just a handful of success stories among the thousands of organizations around the world that have used the Barrett Values Centre’s CTT Tools since 1997. Cultural Transformation Tools provide powerful metrics that enable leaders to actively measure and manage cultures. We make the intangible, tangible.

What’s possible for YOUR business if everyone was as fully engaged and committed to achieving results as you are? We help you transform your company culture to align with individuals’ core values, enabling your team to rock and your business to soar!